#MeetYourManager – Marcin Kulawik

The most stressful part of looking for a job is going through all those interviews! You may be confident in your skills, but the stress of not knowing who you are meeting or what they are looking for could put you off your game. Nowadays, being prepared for the job interview doesn’t only mean working on your technical skills. Knowing the company – its values, organisation culture and specific expectations for employees – is equally important. Well, we thought why not make that dreaded part of the process more fun and here we are with our #Meetyourmanager series where you get up close and personal with a hiring manager and find out more about who they are looking for and what they look for in interviews. You’re welcome!

We present to you Marcin Kulawik, CEO& Founder of SolveQ Agile Software House.

What do we do?

We create one of the best custom software solutions for clients from around the World. We help our clients be innovative and ahead of the competition. Our specialities are logistics, IoT and mobile.

What excites me about coming to work tomorrow?

Of course the possibility of solving complicated problems of our clients and addressing their needs but also the opportunity to meet the team. From the beginning, one of the key goals of our organisation was to build a place of work where people will simply want to work. The “Q” in the company name stands for Quality because we focus on delivering best in class Software, but Quality is also important for us when it comes to Employee Experience.

Who do we need?

Currently, we are looking for experienced software engineers. Especially those who are focused on building mobile and web applications with React, ReactNative, Node.js and additional front-end frameworks. We need people who are not only skilled and eager to engage in responding to clients’ needs but also want to get involved in building a strong and friendly organisation. Here you can find currently open positions at Solveq on our Careers page.

My job interview tips

My advice for candidates applying for a job is simple: be happy, be honest, be open. The interviewer can see if you’re not authentic. Being open about your strong and weak points is the best policy. As I mentioned before, we care a lot about making SolveQ a great place to work, so we want to make sure that the people we hire are not only qualified but also team players and a good match that will complement our team.



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