How Much Does It Cost to Apply for a Temporary Residence Permit in Poland?

You’d like to apply for a temporary residence permit and prolong your stay in Poland but don’t know how much it costs? Read the next part of the Legalisation of Stay and Employment of Foreigners in Poland guide and find out.

How Much Does It Cost to Apply for a Temporary Residence Permit in Poland?

In case of applying for a temporary residence permit in Poland, the applicant (the foreigner) is obliged to pay stamp duty. This obligation arises when the application is submitted to the voivode. The stamp duty is paid to the account of the competent tax authority, which is the local authority head (municipal head or city mayor).

The applicant is obliged to attach proof of payment of stamp duty to the application.

The amount of stamp duty is (as of September 2020):

  • for an application for a temporary residence permit (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy) – PLN 340,
  • for an application for a temporary residence and work permit (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy i pracę) – PLN 440,
  • for an application for a temporary residence permit to perform work in a highly-qualified profession (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy w celu wykonywania pracy w zawodzie wymagającym wysokich kwalifikacji) – PLN 440,
  • for an application for a temporary residence permit for the purpose of performing work within an intra-company transfer (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy w celu wykonywania pracy w ramach przeniesienia wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa) – PLN 440,
  • for an application for a temporary residence permit to facilitate long-term mobility of a managerial staff member, specialist or trainee, within an intra-company transfer (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy w celu mobilności długoterminowej pracownika kadry kierowniczej, specjalisty lub pracownika odbywającego staż, w ramach przeniesienia wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa) – PLN 440,
  • for an application for a temporary residence permit due to seasonal work (wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy ze względu na pracę sezonową ) – PLN 170,
  • for an application for change of permit (wniosek o zmianę zezwolenia) – PLN 10,
  • for a power of attorney (if an attorney is acting in the case) – PLN 17

Account number:
Pomorski Urząd Wojewódzki w Gdańsku (Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Gdańsk),
ul. Okopowa 21/27, 80-810 Gdańsk
93 1010 1140 0169 1313 9120 0000

reference: “Opł. skarb. – zezwolenie na” (Stamp duty – permit for …) or “Opł. skarb. – pełnomocnictwo” (Stamp duty – power of attorney”)

If the party fails to pay stamp duty at the time of filing the application, the authority conducting the proceedings sets a time limit for the party to pay the duty. This period may not be less than 7 days nor more than 14 days. If the payment is not made within the specified period the application is rejected.

More questions about how to legalise your stay in Poland?

Issues related to the legalisation of employment and stay of foreigners in Poland still raise many doubts – both among employers and their foreign employees. In order to make it easier to navigate among statutory regulations, the Invest in Pomerania team in cooperation with specialists from the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office have created a publication containing a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the procedure of applying for a residence and work permit in Poland. We sincerely hope that the publication will make the process of legalising the stay and employment of foreigners in our region more efficient. We invite you to read the entire guide. If you want to learn more about the full range of support provided by Invest in Pomerania visit the website: .

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