What Information Should Be Included in The Application for a Work Permit? What Documents Attached?

Are you submitting an application for a work permit in Poland? Read the next article of the Legalisation of stay and employment of foreigners in Poland guide and find out what information you should provide and what additional documents have to be submitted with the application.

What Information Should Be Included in The Application for a Work Permit? What Documents Should Be Submitted with the Application?

An application for a work permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland should indicate the following:

  • type of permit;
  • information about the entity entrusting work to the foreigner;
  • information about the foreigner;
  • information concerning the work to be entrusted to the foreigner.

The Application Should Be Accompanied With:

  1. proof of payment of stamp duty for the application,
  2. photocopy of the identity card (if the employer is a natural person) or an excerpt from the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (if the employer is a legal person),
  3. original or certified copy of the company’s articles of association and, if the employer is a joint-stock company, also the original or certified copy of the notarised deed of incorporation of the joint-stock company,
  4. declaration of no criminal record of the entity entrusting work to the foreigner,
  5. copy of the foreigner’s travel document,
  6. originals or certified copies of documents confirming professional qualifications of the foreigner,
  7. information from the starost (district head) on the possibility of satisfying the HR needs of the entity entrusting work to the foreigner (you can read more on whether information from the starost is required under question 26),
  8. originals or certified copies of documents confirming that the foreigner or the employer applying for a work permit meets all of the requirements,
  9. information on employment level in the entity entrusting work to the foreigner,
  10. statement of income or loss achieved by the entity entrusting work as a CIT payer in the tax year preceding the application.


Documents drawn up in a foreign language, with the exception of identity cards or travel documents, serving as evidence in the proceedings for issuing a permit, shall be submitted together with their translation into Polish prepared by a sworn Polish translator.

More questions about how to legalise your stay in Poland?

Issues related to the legalisation of employment and stay of foreigners in Poland still raise many doubts – both among employers and their foreign employees. In order to make it easier to navigate among statutory regulations, the Invest in Pomerania team in cooperation with specialists from the Pomeranian Voivodeship Office have created a publication containing a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the procedure of applying for a residence and work permit in Poland. We sincerely hope that the publication will make the process of legalising the stay and employment of foreigners in our region more efficient. We invite you to read the entire guide. If you want to learn more about the full range of support provided by Invest in Pomerania visit the website: investinpomerania.pl .

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