Cześć! Your word for today is… Opalenizna!

Polish: Opalenizna

English: Tan

Pronunciation: Opalenizna <ˌɔpalɛ̃ˈɲizna>. Hear how you pronounce it here.


opalenizna = suntan

Polish people love sunbathing! Tanned skin has been long perceived as healthy and attractive in Poland. So when they leave for holidays by their beloved, cold Baltic Sea, they try to make the most of every single sunny day, lying on the beach and literally ‘frying’ in the sun.

But more and more Poles take alternative steps to appear with darkened skin, as they are aware of the negative effects of excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. They may frequent tanning salons (you can see many of them in local neighborhoods), use self-tanners or bronzers. Sun blockers are also more and more popular.

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