
Cześć! Your word for today is… Wielkanoc!

Polish: Wielkanoc

English: Easter

Pronunciation: Vielkanots<vʲjɛlˈkãnɔʦ̑>. Hear how you pronounce it here.


The Polish word ‘Wielkanoc’ consists of two words: ‘wielka’ (grand) and ‘noc’ (a night).

It’s Easter, not Christmas, that is the oldest and most important Christian holiday. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Nowadays it’s a 3-day celebration and holiday preceded by a 40-day long preparation period called Lent.

Easter is observed in April but does not fall on a fixed date. As in many other countries, also in Poland the main Easter customs involve decorating Easter eggs and blessing of food in church.

Keep watching this space for more words and phrases to #polishyourPolish!

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