Look out on false friends

False-friends are words that seem similar to words in another language but mean something entirely different! Here are a few of our favorites.


Polish word English word Polish meaning
aktualnie actually currently
bark bark shoulder
blankiet blanket blank form
cap cap male of goat
car car tsar
data data date (calendar)
dres dress tracksuit
ewentualnie eventually alternatively
facet facet a guy
gust gust taste
hełm helm helmet
jest jest inflected form of is
kat cat executioner
limo limo bruise
my my we
no no yeah
paragon paragon receipt
rant rant edge
swat swat matchmaker
szop shop racoon
transparent transparent banner
wagon wagon railcart


Do you know any other false-friends? Look up our list of common Polish words and maybe you will find one. Or suggest your favourite and we will add it to our list. We’ve also prepared a list of common Polish words and sentences. You can find them here.

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