The Financial Crime Unit (FCU) is PwC's competence center that brings together the top experts in the field of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) - an area of financial services that focuses on preventing illicit funds from being integrated into the legal financial system. Turbulent global political and economical affairs of the recent years have led to the reappraisal of the very concept of risk, putting financial institutions under an ever-mounting pressure from the regulatory authorities. Detecting attempts of money laundering, countering the growth of organized crime and combatting the financing of terrorism are the core challenges faced by the institutions operating within the modern financial system. These institutions turn to the PwC Financial Crime Unit for assistance.


Finance & Accounting, Financial Services, Legal Services

Private medical care

Sports card


Co-financing of commuting


so many Financial Crime units are in the world

Main characteristics of the company
The FCU is PwC's fourth such competence center in the world.

The other three currently operate in the USA, Northern Ireland and India.

We are searching for those,

who allow nothing to get past them…

Work carried out by

the FCU specialists is best described by an analogy to the detective work.