Spring Activation! Exercise during lockdown

Did you spend the whole winter under a blanket with a bag of chips in one hand and the remote control in the other? If so, there is a serious danger that you have forgotten how to do squats! The pandemic has given us the perfect excuse to be lazy. Due to the restrictions, we are unable to play a lot of our favourite team sports and train in gyms, but this does not mean that we have to give up physical activity completely! Spring is the perfect time to get back to regular exercise. Read on if you want to find out how to stay in shape despite the restrictions

Get back on track. What for?

According to WHO data, a statistical Pole gained two kilograms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quoting the iconic Polish movie Miś, “Every kilogram of a citizen is the good of the nation”, but is it really? Being overweight can cause many serious health issues, which in turn may influence the course of coronavirus infection. Moreover, the pandemic restrictions not only affected our weight but also caused other health ailments. Researchers from the Opole University of Technology have proven that working from home and reduced physical activity has a negative impact on our spines. Remote workers and those who were quarantined or isolated know from experience that being locked in our homes also affects our well-being and mental health. What can we do to be in better mental and physical shape? First of all, get off the couch and start moving! Regular training not only helps to lose unwanted kilograms and improve the condition but also contributes to the release of endorphins, which has a positive effect on our well-being. We need sport to maintain an appropriate weight, general body condition and immunity. Regular exercise also helps you cope better with stress and anxiety.

As the saying goes “Movement is health.” We all have heard it so many times that we do not doubt its truthfulness, unfortunately, knowledge alone is not enough. What to do to start exercising? How not lose enthusiasm and maintain healthy habits? There are several ways to do this.

  • First, choose the sport you like. It’s much easier to maintain a training routine when you exercise with pleasure rather than treating sport like an unpleasant chore.
  • Download an application and record your training sessions. This way, you can track your progress and stay motivated.
  • Create a support group. Encourage your partner, friend or child to train with you. You will support and encourage each other.
  • Give yourself small rewards. Set a goal for yourself and give yourself a symbolic gift for achieving it.

What, where and how?

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, gyms and other sports facilities are closed. Many of them are available only for professionals. However, this doesn’t mean that training is impossible! If you miss the gym, you can arrange your private work out station in your own living room, garage or even garden. Be creative! Chairs, water bottles or scarves will successfully replace professional training equipment! You can’t imagine training without kettles, barbells or ergometers? You don’t have to invest in expensive sports equipment right away. Many gyms, whose activities have been limited by the pandemic, offer their customers rental of such equipment.

Spring is starting, the temperature is rising every day, so why not try outdoor sports? In accordance with the pandemic regulations, practically any outdoor sport is acceptable. So maybe it’s time to take your old bicycle for a spin, find your rollers in the basement or dust a tennis racket? The choice is yours. Whatever you choose, remember to keep social distance and other safety rules. Despite the obvious outdoor choices like jogging, nordic walking and cycling, you can also take on callisthenics and cardio workout. There are many outdoor gyms available for pomeranian citizens, with plenty in the Tricity area.

Jogging is another activity that can be safely practised in the time of the pandemic. Good shoes and simple running clothes are all you need to start your practice. Effect? You can lose a few kilos after the first weeks of running. You don’t know how to start? Check out simple running plans for beginners created by specialists and available for free. The first thing you have to do when you take on jogging is to set a goal. It doesn’t matter if you want to run 5 kilometres without stopping or sign up for a marathon. Plan your goal and act. You can choose from a number of applications for smartphones, fitbands, sports watches, and other gadgets that help you to track your progress.

Home gym

Does bad weather discourage you from leaving your house? You work intensively all day long and when you finish it’s already dark? Nothing prevents you from joining online training sessions and arranging a place to exercise at your own home. The choice of programs is currently huge. You can choose one of the numerous instructional videos on YouTube, some gyms (e.g. Calypso) offer their clients daily online classes, Adidas provides a variety of training sessions on its website and popular trainer, Ewa Chodakowska, regularly conducts live streaming of her training on Facebook. In addition, there are many dedicated platforms. For a few zlotys a month, you can buy access to pilates, yoga or boxing training routine. You decide when and how you want to exercise. All you need to do is fire up the online platform, choose your favourite training and place the mat on the floor.

Sport is important not only for physical but also mental health. In times of a pandemic, it is especially important to take good care of yourself. It’s not about conquering peaks and breaking world records, but about doing what’s good for your body and mind. So, ready for your first work out?

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