They Moved to Pomerania – Now They Are Inviting Others

We’d like to share the stories of three people who have experienced living in various places in Poland and around the globe. And today their paths crossed in Pomerania ­– the place they found perfect for themselves. This is where they feel the best.

Grodzisk Mazowiecki? New York? Pomerania or “Polish California”!

Not all of our heroes come from Pomerania, but all of them had the opportunity to live and work in other places. After a while, however, they gladly returned to the Baltic Sea coast. This is the case with Daniel Zdrojewski, a SEO specialist, who currently works at a media house:

 I could say that I’ve always lived here. Apart from a break during which I lived in Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

Małgorzata Jurkiewicz shares a similar story: she had the opportunity to live in one of the largest world metropolises, that’s why she is perfectly able to compare the working and living conditions there to those in Tri-City:

– Pomerania is my homeland, although I haven’t always lived here. I was moving between Gdańsk and New York/ I lived between…. After some time/ Given some time, I think that one is able to find happiness and professional fulfilment in both cities. The employer I currently work for is the largest FinTech company in Poland. If we operated in the States, we’d probably be situated in Silicon Valley. We are now located in Sopot, Tri-City – which, in my opinion, is the Polish California.

An altogether different story comes from Agnieszka Fabianowicz who, apart from holiday trips, had little to nothing to do with Pomerania, before eventually moving here:

I come from Olsztyn. I moved to Tri-City to study and decided to stay here after graduation, since I realised that there are many opportunities in front of me here.

Agnieszka works as an event manager.

Professional Opportunities in Beautiful Surroundings

We all want to earn a livelihood and develop professionally. But it’s even better to have a career in a place where you can find something more than ”just a job”/ more than corporate career. What factors affected our heroes’ decision to stay in Pomerania for good?

Pomerania, or Tri-City more specifically, combines all that I need. – says Agnieszka – The sea, forests, the vicinity of lakes and large urban centres, all in one place. This place is one of a kind in Poland. Such beautiful natural surroundings create favourable conditions for professional growth; everything depends on  how we make use of it, however. You can find all the possibilities in Pomerania: large international corporations and smaller, thriving companies with Polish and foreign capital.

Similar arguments for Pomerania are given by Małgorzata Jurkiewicz, who is particularly fond of Tri-City lifestyle:

When you compare Pomerania to the rest of Poland, you will find that it is unique. The proximity of the sea and the sea breeze make people live slower and more relaxed lives. For a couple of years now, there are more and more jobs offers in Pomerania, including  in the international corporations, which previously had only opened their offices in Warsaw.

Małgorzata works as an HR specialist – she knows the Pomeranian job market particularly well.

I was born here in Gdansk and lived in many cities, but nowhere did I feel  better than here. Conditions for growth are constantly improving.  – adds Daniel – There are new companies which more and more willingly invest in employees’ education, which makes these employees more sought after by given companies.

Zachód Słońca Nad Morzem

Invitations to Pomerania! “Close Your Eyes and Imagine You’re by the Sea Everyday!”

Nature, the perfect climate (and not only in the metrological sense), great professional prospects and education adjusted to the contemporary job market. These advantages were mentioned by all three of our Pomeranians by birth or by choice. Will they encourage others to find their place in the world in this region?

– We invite you to come here! No one I know regrets the decision to move to Tri-city. – Daniel, a native resident of Gdansk, states confidently.

Most Poles visit Tri-city at least once a year. Usually, these visits are just limited to long weekends, followed up by a return home… Why not stay longer? Pomerania isn’t just Tri-city and the beach, but also the picturesque Kashubia! The closeness of nature makes this the perfect place to live a life. – Małgorzata convinces.

Have courage! And don’t overthink this. Close your eyes and imagine that every day – before, after or even maybe during work- that you can spend time at the sea. Not during your holiday, not for the weekend, but every day, whenever you feel like it. – adds Agnieszka – On your own, with your children, friends or dog. Cool? Now open your eyes and do it. I assure you – it’s totally worth it!

Many have already found their perfect place to live, while others are still searching. Maybe you really should give it a try in Pomerania? Especially becausemoving here doesn’t carry a large professional risk, and there is particularly good public transport in Tri-city. In our interviews, Pomerania won 3-0!

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