It’s not all about Christmas!

It,s “Don’t touch it! It’s for Christmas” season! Lights, decoration and festive songs everywhere, the malls are crowded with last-minute shoppers checking out Christmas decorations, chocolate Santa Claus and giftsets as last resort gifts. 

But, Pomerania is a multicultural region and thus we celebrate a few more winter-themed holidays. Wondering what they are? Read on!



Celebrated primarily by the Jews, Hannukah commemorates the blessing of the Holy Temple in 165 BCE, during which a small amount of oil was miraculously burning for, you’ve guessed it, 8 days. As the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, Hannukah can be celebrated o any day between November 28th and December 26th.

To celebrate, families light up Chnaukijes, the adults have a ball at balls while children receive gifts. Did we mention, that their favourite holiday treats are fried desserts… yummm… Donuts!



A seven-day festival that celebrates African culture. It runs from December 26th to January 1st. The holiday is based on the following principles (nguzo saba) – unity (Umoja), determination (Kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (Ujima), purposefulness (Nia), cooperative activity (Ujamaa), creativity (Kuumba) and faith (Imani). On the sixth day of Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa Karamu is held, which is a great feast and the Gifts of Kuumba (creativity) are passed on to loved ones. Part of the celebration is Kinary lighting, performances. listening to traditional music and discussing African principles and stories.


St Lucia's Day

To honor this third-century saint on December 13, many girls in Sweden dress up as “Lucia brides” in long white gowns with red sashes, and a wreath of burning candles on their heads. They wake up their families by singing songs and bringing them coffee and twisted saffron buns called “Lucia cats.”

There are plenty other holidays and they may be named differently, but they all share the same spirit of being with family, celebrating with friends and creating happiness by sharing love. 

Wishing all of you a fantastic holiday season

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