Tricity takes art for a walk

We see them every day. They decorate the walls of buildings, garages, and walls. They add colour and charm, create a unique character, and express the personality of the creators themselves. What are we talking about? Of course, about the Tricity murals!

Recently, a beautiful mural was unveiled in Gdańsk, created to thank health professionals for what they do for us every day, for fighting the virus, for treating the sick, and for exposing their health. The work depicting medical workers and a little girl handing them a flower can be admired on one of the spans of the flyover over Siennicka Street in Gdańsk. Seeing the work of Marek Looney Rybowski, we decided to do a review of other Tricity murals, and there are a lot of them and there is something to admire.

Zaspa Art Gallery

Murals in the Zaspa district in Gdańsk are known by many. The buildings with empty side walls were begging to add a bit of creative flair to them. Murals began to appear in 1997 and over time so many works of art came up that the district became a real art gallery. There are over 50 colorful murals on buildings in Zaspa. Among them are abstract and geometric works depicting figures or events important for Gdańsk, Poland and the world. A walk among them is a great way to spend time with art and history as a backdrop. At you will learn more about the stories behind each of the murals and their authors who came to Gdansk from various parts of the world. The site also has a map and instructions on how to explore the district.

Wrzeszcz is on Point(z)

Impossible is nothing-wrzeszcz-pointz
Impossible is nothing/ fb: wrzeszczpointz

Turn into Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto street in Wrzeszcz to transport to the United States of the 90s. You are in Wrzeszcz Pointz, a place filled with artful images painted on nearby  garages and a meeting place for the locals from the area. The originators of Wrzeszcz Pointz are Krzysztof Puternicki and Przemek Szymański. They both traveled across America, where they became fascinated by hip-hop culture, in particular 5 Pointz in New York, a place that for years has attracted local graffiti artists. Many Tricity artists have been invited to collaborate in Pointz, including previously mentioned Looney. His works often depict children, musicians or people in everyday life situations. They are immediately and easily recognizable. In addition, Oyesu, Riam, Tuse and Krik also took part in the creation of what you can see in the area.

Gdynia shows its colours

traffic design/ mural: blaqk

Tricity’s street art does not end in Gdańsk. Lots of interesting murals can also be found in Gdynia. They are not in close vicinity like in Wrzeszcz or Zaspa, they are more dispersed and you need to search for them a bit. But once you find where they are, you will find real gems. You could say that the center of it all is located around Portowa, Derdowskiego, św. Piotra and Waszyngtona streets. The subject of murals in Gdynia is diverse. From futuristic designs, through traditional marine themes, to tributes paid to well-known personalities. As part of the Traffic Design Festival, a lot of admirable works were created on the sides of the buildings. Some were made by artists from various parts of Poland, as well as artists from around the world – from Ukraine to Brazil.

Final Thought

Although we continue to be cautious when leaving the house, thankfully walking is not prohibited, especially if security measures are maintained. Therefore, nothing prevents you from getting to know our beautiful Tricity and its street art. Which part will you see first?

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