Why is it Worth to Find a Job in Pomerania?

Pomerania should not be associated by Poles only with holidays or maritime economy. Low unemployment rate, average pay above the national average and 300 thousand businesses operating from here are the reasons why more and more people wish to move to the region because of local job market opportunities. Increasingly attractive job prospects are enhanced, inter alia, by a large number of investors from Scandinavia and the USA, as well as by the policy of fostering the development of future technologies, including ICT, logistics and biotechnology. What else can a job seeker expect in Pomerania?

Pomeranian job market

The special position of the Pomeranian job market in comparison to other regions of Poland can be seen when one studies the statistics posted on the European Job Mobility Portal. (s) The unemployment rate, only slightly exceeding 5%, heralds no problems with finding a job. Also a relatively high average gross salary in the local enterprise sector, amounting to over 4,700 zł per month in 2017, works to the benefit of potential employees.

Entrepreneurship and Scandinavian work culture

In the entrepreneurship ranking made by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development Pomerania took second place, immediately following Mazovia. (s) Nearly 300 thousand enterprises have been registered in the region, and in terms of the number of all national economy entities per 10 thousand of inhabitants Pomerania was ranked 4th, which translates into a broad range of choice for potential employees.

It is characteristic of Pomerania that a great number of big international businesses have their offices there. Apart from US-based organizations, such as Intel Technology or Amazon, there is also a considerable number of Scandinavian companies, such as e.g. Arla, Kemira and Nordea. Work culture in those organizations is much valued by their employees.

Scandinavian working culture is based on informal relationships between employees and being open for team-work. For some it can be the best environment to progress.

Praca w pomorskim
źródło: TORUS

Pomeranian Innovations

Who can become especially successful if working in Pomerania? First and foremost – representatives of the industries of the future, i.e. ICT, business services and logistics. More than 5,600 businesses operate in the ICT sector itself, of which more than 120 employ at least 10 members of staff. Intel employs more than 2000 people. Another 800 people have found employment in Sii – one of the biggest employers in Poland in the IT outsourcing sector.

Pomerania has also become an innovation centre, with its flagship – Pomeranian Scientific and Technology Park opened in Gdynia. Start-ups and enterprises gathered there operate mainly in such sectors as ICT, engineering, automation and robotics, multimedia and design. Thus, Tri-City offers interesting jobs not only for those whose idea of success is being a part of an international corporation, but also for those who want to develop innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises dealing with state-of-the-art technologies.

Last but not least, one should bear in mind such strong extra assets of the region as the proximity of the sea, well developed public transportation services, well developed leisure infrastructure and numerous cultural events. All this, including an attractive job, contributes quite significantly to the quality of life one can enjoy as a resident of Tri-City and its region.

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