Cześć! Your word for today is… Grzybobranie!

Polish: Grzybobranie

English: Mushrooming

Pronunciation: Gzibobranie <ˌɡʒɨbɔˈbrãɲɛ>. Hear how you pronounce it here.


Poles love mushrooms! And especially mushroom picking. Some say it’s the second favorite national sport in Poland – right after grilling.

One of the reasons is that Poles can collect any amount of mushrooms in almost every public forest with no limits – as opposed to some other European countries, where there are quotas or licenses required.

How do you pick mushrooms? First, you must know the difference between edible and poisonous ones. Then you need to find the right area where mushrooms like to grow. You should also know which mushrooms are most precious to Poles. Borowik, koźlak, maślak, or boczniak are at the top of the list. Don’t pick very young or very old mushrooms. When picking, gently screw the mushroom out of the litter, don’t yank it! And do not forget to cover the mycelium with soil – in that way the mushrooms can grow again.

Keep watching this space for more words and phrases to #polishyourPolish!

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